Get a 24 Hour Answering Service, Not a Part Time Answering Service


If you've been looking into hiring a live answering service, you've likely come across many part time answering services that only answer calls during business hours, which are typically during the hours of 9am to 5pm. While having a live answering service that only answers during business hours is useful, you need to hire a 24/7 answering service that can answer the calls after normal business hours to pick up new clients that will hang up on a voicemail and look for help elsewhere. This is why it's so important that you pick a 24/7 live answering service such as Answering Legal. With that in mind, here are some of the benefits of hiring a 24/7 live answering service as opposed to a part time answering service.

The Importance Of Having A 24/7 Live Answering Service

No matter time of day or night people call in to your business, they are calling to communicate with a person. They want to speak to someone who represents your business who is a live person, not an automated attendant. Nobody wants to leave a voicemail or message and wait for a representative to get back to them. In fact, they will likely move on to one of your competitors and acquire their goods or services instead. Fortunately, if you have a live receptionist waiting to take a potential customer's or client's call, you will guarantee that you connect with these individuals in a way that your competitors won't. People love to talk with other people, especially after work hours, and without a personal relationship they are likely to not associate anything positive with your business or brand.

People Bypass Automated Systems

Both customers and potential clients find it very important to reach a live receptionist when calling in to a company, no matter the hour. In our fast paced world, people expect to be able to reach a live receptionist as soon as possible, and do not like to be stuck in an infinite loop of automated queries and options. These automated systems usually prove unhelpful to many potential customers or clients, and they are likely to hang up rather than seek out information, even if it readily available in the system.

Hiring a 24/7 live answering service such as Answering Legal will provide you with a team of always available virtual assistants that ensure that someone is always facing clients and answering the phone. Potential customers and clients will love the convenience of being able to speak to a live receptionist and for them to handle any queries in real time. In the long run, this will also help your business save a lot of time and money in not tying up employees in returning phone calls for mundane queries that may or may not turn out to be leads. This will allow you to capture new business in a more cost efficient way.

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