Who We Serve

Criminal Defense Attorneys
Arrests can happen at any time. We’ll make sure callers always reach a live person. You’ll see new leads every morning.
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Traffic Lawyers
Traffic lawyers’ call volume is exceedingly high. We’ll screen your calls and make sure your leads are qualified.
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Personal Injury Lawyers
Any call could represent your next big case. We’ll make sure you never miss out on that opportunity.
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Bankruptcy Attorneys
Bankruptcy callers want to speak to a live person who will assure them that help is on the way. We’ve got you covered.
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Family Lawyers
Existing clients are always interrupting your work, calling for updates. We’ll take a message so you can get things done.
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Real Estate Lawyers
You’re always on the run from meetings to closings. We’ll make sure your phones are handled while you’re working.
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Immigration Attorneys
Our bilingual answering service will make sure your Spanish-speaking clients get the service they deserve.
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Employment/Labor Lawyers
We make sure to qualify your leads on the phone so you always know what kinds of cases you’re taking on.
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SS/D Lawyers
Your callers aren’t going to leave voicemails. With our 24/7 answering service, you’ll never miss another new client call.
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Civil Rights Lawyers
Civil rights cases require special attention and care. We’ll make sure your clients always reach a live person when they call.
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Corporate Lawyers
Our answering service handles sensitive issues with extreme discretion, so your caller’s info is always protected.
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Elder Care Lawyers
Elderly callers need a special level of care, especially when they’re facing legal issues. We’ve got your back.
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General practice lawyers
Your clients could be calling about matters in any legal discipline. Our messages will let you know what they need.
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Multi-practice lawyers
If you’ve got multiple attorneys with different specialties, we’ll send callers and messages tp the right place.