Terms of Service

This Answering Services Agreement (“Agreement”) is by and between Ring Savvy, Inc d/b/a Answering Legal (“Answering Legal”) and (“Customer”). By indicating acceptance in writing, online or making any purchase, Customer accepts and agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.
(1.1) Secure a phone number (“#”) for Customer and answer customer calls (“CC”) following Customer’s script.
(1.2) Provide the “Services” described in section 2. Customer will:
- Provide to Answering Legal the script(s) and directions Customer would like Answering Legal to follow for CCs.
- Activate forwarding options when Customer wants calls to be directed to Answering Legal.
(2.1) Answering Legal will charge Customer’s credit card for carrier recovery fund of $21.50. All Fees, once charged, are non-refundable.
(3.1) Customer authorizes Answering Legal to process payment of monthly subscription fee and overage fees using the credit card information provided by Customer upon sign-up.
Confidential Information; Intellectual Property
(4.1) Each party agrees to treat all information as confidential. Answering Legal will use reasonable efforts to avoid eliciting information from Customer’s clients that would be subject to attorney-client privilege, except at the explicit direction of Customer.
(5.1) This Agreement shall remain in effect until either party provides written notice of termination. 30 day written notice or a $100 termination fee is required to terminate service.
Disclaimer of Warranties; Damages
(6.1) Customer agrees that Answering Legal’s services are administrative in nature, and Answering Legal will not provide any legal advice to any client of Customer or otherwise take any action which may be construed as the practice of law.
(6.2) Answering Legal does not make any warranties regarding Services, including, without limitation, warranties(a) of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, (b) regarding dropped telephone calls, response time, errors made or any other results.
(6.3) Answering Legal will not be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages suffered by Customer or any damages resulting from missed, misdirected or dropped CCs.
(6.4) Answering Legal’s liability to Customer shall be limited to Fees paid for the monthly service.
(7.1) Each party will defend and indemnify the other party against any and all third party claims arising out of a breach of this Agreement.
(7.2) Customer will also indemnify and defend Answering Legal against:
- Any use by Customer of the #.
- Any malpractice or other claim initiated by any Customer client.
- Any violation of applicable law by Customer.
(8.1) Customer hereby agrees that it shall not, for 2 years following the Term, hire or engage any of Answering Legal’s (or any affiliate’s) employees or independent contractors or otherwise interfere with Answering Legal’s relationship with any of its employees or independent contractors.
Notice; Amendment
(9.1) All notices shall be in writing and provided to Customer via email or posted by Answering Legal at www.answeringlegal.com.
(9.2) No amendment to this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and is:
- Signed by both parties.
- Sent via email by Answering Legal to Customer or
- Posted on www.answeringlegal.com.
in which case such amendment shall be binding on both parties 10 days from the date of such posting, unless such changes are addressing new functions for the Services or changes made for legal reasons, in which case such changes will be effective immediately.
(9.3) Customer shall be permitted to terminate this Agreement by providing 30 days’ notice to Answering Legal within 10 days of the posting of any modification to this Agreement, in which case Customer shall remain subject to the version of this Agreement prior to modification. In the absence of a notice of termination, Customer’s continued use of the Services shall constitute its express acceptance of any such Amendment.
The Free Trial
(10.1) Answering Legal reserves the right to refuse a free trial to any inquirer on the basis of:
- The inquirer intends to use the free trial for an advertising campaign, i.e. TV, Web, Radio, Direct Mail, or any other method of increasing call volume.
- The inquirer having already used the free trial in the past.
- The inquirer has been sanctioned by a BAR association in any state or has a criminal record of any kind.
- Permitting the inquirer to use the free trial would result in an already existing customer of Answering Legal’s to terminate the business relationship.
- Answering Legal deems that the inquirer is not a good fit for our service to be provided.
(10.2) Answering Legal also reserves the right to terminate the free trial at any point in time on the basis of:
- To quote the inquirer on the cost of the service on a month-to-month basis.
- The inquirer has used more than 100 minutes of virtual receptionist time.
- The inquirer has been abusive or has harassed Answering Legal employees.
- The inquirer is unresponsive to Answering Legal support.
- Answering Legal deems that the inquirer is no longer a good fit for our service to be provided.
- Any of the reasons listed in the rights to refuse a trial become apparent.
(10.3) Answering Legal retains the right to charge the inquirer $175.00 for all trials carried through major holidays, including but not limited to: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve – et al.
(10.4) Answering Legal does not offer a free trial during the dates between December 15 thru January 4.
(10.5) For the days beginning December 5th and ending January 7th, Answering Legal reserves the right to charge a $350 setup fee for firms who enter into a free trial period.
(10.6) Answering Legal reserves the right to charge between $399 – $599 for extensive setup and/or account configuration above and beyond the normal needs of a customer.
(11.1) Any telephone number assigned to Customer by Answering Legal shall remain the property of Answering Legal. The rights and obligations of the parties shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, without reference to conflict of law principles, and all disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be governed by the internal laws of the State of New York and shall be brought and tried in federal or state courts located within the County of Suffolk, State of New York, and the parties hereby consent to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such courts.
(11.2) Answering Legal will only activate an account with a customer who is a Principle of the firm and/or business, and in no such case will provide service without the affirmed consent of the majority owner.
(11.3) Customer hereby acknowledges that Answering Legal may, in its sole discretion, outsource and/or subcontract certain functions in providing the services.
(11.4) Each party will be and act as an independent contractor. Answering Legal may assign this Agreement, without the consent of Customer, and Customer may not sell, transfer or otherwise assign its rights under this Agreement without Answering Legal’s written approval.
(11.5) Our firm policy concerning marketing and 3rd party service contractors working on behalf of the law firms is as follows: Outsourced companies under contract are prohibited to activate trials on behalf of the law firm.
(11.6) All relationships with said law firms that Answering Legal services will be directly between the managing partner or principal of the firm.