5 Ways To Use Twitter For Your Law Firm


Twitter is the most instantaneous form of social media for lawyers. You can post tiny snippets about the law, links to your blog, and share interesting information immediately with your followers! Twitter makes it easy to engage with your clients, and allows for the easiest automation of your posts. Here are 5 ways you can use Twitter to engage your customers, potential customers, and ultimately drive traffic to your law firm website.

Social Media Sharing

Use your twitter to feature your website, your blog posts, and everything else that you desire more traffic to funnel through. Obviously, if you have just written a blog post and want to let everyone know, copy and paste that link into a tweet and provide a call to action! For example, this picture shows how to share a link to your blog, includes a picture (picture attachments can earn you up to 35% more engagements) and includes a call to action. The call to action is as simple as, “Check out this blog post,” and beckons the reader to follow your prompt while capturing their eye with a graphic.

Twitter Direct Message Automation

Using your twitter to earn more followers is great, but don’t waste that new connection by not introducing yourself! Using automation, you can automatically send out direct messages and tweets that can earn you more engagements, instead of just being another ignored follower in the timeline. For example, after earning a new follower, generate a direct message that says something along the lines of, “Hi! Thanks for following me on twitter. Please also connect with me on Facebook, and if you ever need a lawyer, I’ll give you a free consultation! Have a great week!” A great website to use for this is TweetPilot. Tweetpilot will help you generate automatic responses and doesn’t include a spammy link at the bottom, and is also free! Give them a try if you want to really connect with your followers.

Twitter Mention Automation

Of course, another great way to engage followers on twitter is to literally tweet at them. Twitter allows you to notify and interact with other users in a tweet by using the @ symbol, and typing their name directly after, with no spaces. After a user follows or connects with you, an automatic thank you response that mentions their username should be generated from your account! This could be as simple as “Thanks for sharing! @answeringlegal.” A great website to set up tweet automation is IFTTT (If This, Then That). IFTTT is completely free and also does not include spammy links at the end of the posts they generate for you. Simply connect your twitter account and specify the “recipe” you would like to generate.

Organic Tweets

Be sure to use Twitter organically as well! Using twitter and including relevant hashtags to your practice is a great way to reach new followers and potential customers. Especially if a potential new customer goes to do a little extra research on you before making that first call into your office, when they see that your Twitter is lively and chock-full of useful posts, they might be more inclined to feel more comfortable hiring you as their attorney!

Offer Promotions

Using Twitter to let potential customers know that you are offering a limited time promotion is a great way to incentivize viewers to hire you as their attorney. This works especially well for Commercial Litigation firms, or business litigation attorneys. You can offer a reduced price to form an LLC, or a reduced price for a legal retainer fee altogether. Reaching followers on Twitter who may have been contemplating acting on these ventures might become more incentivized by a promotion, and will call you to finally get started!

If you don’t have a Twitter, it’s never too late to start!

Try Answering Legal for Free for 14 Days!

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