What Makes Answering Legal The Best Answering Service For Law Offices: We’re The Leader In Legal Client Conversion

So you’re looking to invest in an answering service. Well before going any further, we have one question to ask you. What are you looking to get from using an answering service for your firm?
If your answer is “someone to just pick up the phones,” you can probably go ahead and pick yourself any answering service. Believe us, there are plenty of pedestrian answering services out there that will provide your business with receptionists that can simply answer calls and take messages.
Now if you’re actually looking to challenge yourself, and see just how big and successful you can grow your firm to be, there really is only one choice. Answering Legal is the premier answering service for law offices, as it caters exclusively to attorneys, and offers an abundance of features designed specifically to help firms turn more of their interested callers into actual clients.
Come on now, you didn’t dedicate all that time and money to law school just so you can one day have a firm that just barely scrapes by. You did it so you can make a real difference in the legal field, and develop yourself a consistently thriving law office. In this blog post, we’ll go over why exactly it is so important to have the right answering service behind you when trying to connect with customers over the phone, and discuss what exactly makes Answering Legal the very best answering service when it comes to client conversion.
What Your Customers Are Looking For
Many of you may know this already, but if not, be sure to take note. The biggest key to winning over more clients, is making sure you nail the first phone conversation you have with a new customer. In this industry, you rarely will get more than one shot at convincing a customer to hire you. People in need of legal help usually do not have time to spare, and today they have more options for legal help than ever before to choose from, so it is crucial that law offices always make the best possible first impression on them.
What are some of the biggest things a client will be looking for when calling your firm for the first time?
- An Immediate Response: Today’s consumer is seeking fast answers to their problems, and will expect to always hear a live knowledgeable voice on the other end when calling your firm.
- Professionalism: Legal matters can be sensitive, and often leave people in a stressful state of mind. So when customers call your office, they are not likely to have patience for someone who isn’t polite or is lacking in proper phone etiquette.
- A Sense That You Can Solve Their Problem: Hiring an attorney is a big decision, and customers want to know right from their initial call that they are investing their time in a firm that can actually help them.
When you get the chance to pick up the phone and speak with a first time caller, you likely have no problem pitching your firm in a professional manner, and convincing a customer that your services are worth investing in. But the problem is that you won’t always be able to answer the phone calls of new customers yourself. And when you can’t, leaving first time callers to be greeted by an automated machine or a lower level employee who is inexperienced in handling legal matters, will not be sufficient. Having an experienced live voice always answer your calls can keep callers from slipping away, as doing so shows potential clients that you care about their problems and recognize their time is important.
At Answering Legal, we know that even letting one single client slip away isn’t an option for attorneys who are really looking to grow their business. Missed calls too often result in missed financial opportunity for firms, and missing out on a call from a person with a potentially significant case can provide a major setback for a law office. This is why we not only go out of our way to make sure that all of your office’s calls are answered, but answered by a high-caliber receptionist that will leave the right impression on your customers. Consistently providing high-quality customer service means everything when it comes to increasing your legal client conversion rate, something that most other answering services simply do not understand.
Where Other Answering Services Fail
We’re sure you do a lot of marketing and advertising work to get people to call into your firm. But, if you team up with the wrong answering service, all of the effort you put into promoting your firm could go right out the window. The truth is that the majority of answering services out there are non-specialized, meaning they answer phones for many different types of businesses. This is a formula that works great for some answering services, as it helps maximize their financial earning potential. However, it can leave businesses like law firms, that require specialized attention for their customers, falling short of their client conversion goals.
Here are some of the reasons many answering services fall short:
- Receptionists at other answering services are typically trained to be a jack of all trades, but master of none. They will be able to greet customers of any type of business, but will lack the ability to offer any kind of specialized services beyond that.
- Legal phone calls carry higher stakes than regular customer calls, and the person answering the phone needs to have experience and proper training in doing so. At other answering services, there usually isn’t time or a motivation to train receptionists to skillfully handle specific types of clients, and speed in handling a customer call is often prioritized over doing the job right.
- The best answering services will come across like they are picking up the phone straight from the office of the business they are representing. An answering service that serves multiple types of businesses will typically struggle to provide any kind of personal feel for law office customers, and as a result can come off as disingenuous.
Once again, if you’re content with getting just enough business for your law office to be able to keep the lights on every month, feel free to roll the dice with one of these other answering services. But, if your ready to really see your firm take off, it’s time to turn to the very best.
What Makes Us The Best
At Answering Legal we only serve law firms, and our specialized nature allows us to be the most effective legal client conversion tool on the market today. Because we only answer phones on behalf of law offices, we’re able to tailor our services and receptionist training programs specifically towards providing support for attorneys, and are able to provide law offices with the customer service boost they need to really stand out in today’s ultra-competitive legal landscape.
Here are a few more of the reasons our company is unmatched, when it comes to helping attorneys win over more clients.
We Offer Incredible Personalized Service
With Answering Legal, you can completely customize your legal intake process to ensure that your lead capturing services best represent and serve your practice. With a proper game plan for winning over new clients in place from the start, our legal intake receptionist team will be able to come across like a seamless extension of your business, and really make customers feel that your firm cares about their case.
Our Legal Receptionists Team Is Second To None
Once the proper pre-customized settings are in place, attorneys can trust our elite legal intake receptionists to handle their client calls. All of our receptionists go through extensive training in handling legal customers and taking them through the legal intake process, before actually be allowed to answer phones on behalf of a law office. Doing this ensures that you always have an impressive employee answering your firm’s phone lines.
We’re Always On Call
It is also important to note that our team will be ready to answer any calls to your office 24/7/365, and making sure that attorneys are never forced to rely on automated machines (otherwise known as a client conversion killers) to field their new customer calls. If they are busy with other matters, and unavailable to be patched in on a customer call, our receptionists can acquire all of their pertinent information and take an detailed and accurate message.
Answering Legal helps keep prospective customers from slipping away, when you’re away. Our receptionists will be able to assure callers that your firm is a firm worth sticking around for. Then we’ll turn things over to best legal client conversion closer in the game. You!
Sign up for a free 10-day trial with us today, and let us show you just how big we can grow your law office.
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