How A Lawyer Answering Service Keeps New Clients From Ever Reaching Your Voicemail

It’s not easy winning over new clients these days. First you need to create a unique marketing campaign that will grab a new lead’s attention and compel them to want to learn more about your services. Once new leads arrive at your website, you must quickly impress them with eye-catching design and compelling written content. If all of this goes well, a prospect may decide to call up your firm.
But of course that isn’t the finish line. During their first call to your practice, you still need to make new leads feel confident about moving forward with your firm. If they walk away from that initial call feeling underwhelmed, all of that marketing and website creation work you did could immediately go to waste!
The absolute last thing you want a potential client to hear during their first call to your firm is your voicemail.
People with pressing legal issues rarely have the patience to leave a lawyer a voicemail and patiently wait for their return call. Even if a new lead does leave you a message, they’re likely going to start calling around to your competitors immediately after they hang up with your firm. You never want to give them this opportunity.
In order to make the best possible first impression on new leads, and ensure that potential clients aren’t being scared off by your voicemail, you need to invest in the support of a lawyer answering service like Answering Legal. For those unfamiliar with Answering Legal, we’re a phone answering service that exclusively works with the legal community. Below, we’ll share some important things to know about our virtual receptionist team, and their impressive lead capturing abilities.
We Can Answer Calls On Your Behalf 24/7
Even if you already have a great phone answering staff in place, there are going to be times throughout the week where your firm will be unable to answer the phone live. And since missed calls can easily end up resulting in missed clients, getting additional phone coverage for the calls you and your staff can’t pick up live is a must. Our lawyer answering service is the perfect solution, because our receptionist team is always active and available to speak with your callers at any time. And we do mean anytime, weekends, after hours and holidays included.
Legal consumers have very little respect for office hours these days. When they have an issue they need guidance on, they’re going to call up your firm when it’s most convenient for them. In fact, they may end up hiring the first firm that gives them a live response. With Answering Legal’s 24/7 phone coverage, you can always be the firm that offers a live response and gets hired by consumers looking for immediate legal solutions.
Our 24/7 coverage will also provide a significant boost to your quality of life. You and your staff will be able to set actual boundaries on when you’re available and not available to pick up calls. You’ll be able to enjoy personal time, without having to stress over missing new clients. Our team will always be there for you.
And We’re Really Good At Lead Capturing Too
Like we mentioned earlier in this post, in order to convert leads into paying clients, you need to make them feel confident about using your firm during that first phone call. This isn’t the easiest thing to do when you can’t answer that call yourself, and is definitely not something your voicemail can accomplish for you. Fortunately, Answering Legal is more than just a call answering solution for lawyers. We’re also the perfect lead capturing solution.
All members of our virtual receptionist team have completed months of extensive legal phone answering training. They know exactly how to communicate with distressed legal callers, and will be able to seamlessly communicate as a highly knowledgeable and professional extension of your law office. Our receptionists have also been trained on performing legal intakes, executing live call transfers and helping callers leave messages and schedule future appointments. Anything your current phone answering staff does when onboarding new leads, our virtual receptionist staff should have no problem handling.
Lawyers using our lawyer answering service will have complete control over how our receptionist team addresses their prospective clients. If you prefer to be alerted by our staff anytime a new lead opportunity presents itself, and be given the option to have the call transferred over to your line in real time, we can easily make that happen.
If you prefer one of our receptionists to handle your new leads’ first call-in, that’s totally fine too. Our receptionist will take your prospect through the legal intake process, and use questions (which can be personalized by you) to collect essential information about them and their case request. All of this intake info will be sent to you via text and email message right after the call concludes. Your new lead will feel confident about being on-boarded by your firm right away, and you’ll be able to quickly determine what action to take with your potential new client next.
Don’t allow your voicemail to scare off any more potential clients. Get started with a 7-day free trial of Answering Legal now by filling out this form or calling us at 631-686-9700.
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