Law Firm Call Handling: Here’s The Secret To Keeping Telemarketers From Disrupting Your Day

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A lot of terrible things from past generations have died out, but unfortunately for lawyers, telemarketing is not one of them. In fact, telemarketing today has reached incredible new annoying heights, as you now not only have to worry about irrelevant salespeople dialing your number, but receiving spammer calls and robocalls as well.

According to new data from Hiya, mobile phone owners generally get about 114 calls a month, and more than half (62 calls) come from numbers that aren’t saved in the person’s contacts.

While most people out there have the luxury of sending incoming calls from unfamiliar numbers to voicemail, attorneys usually feel an obligation to provide a live answer to all of their incoming calls, as they never know when a new client opportunity will present itself. In order for lawyers and their staff members to keep their days from becoming derailed over and over again by telemarketers, they need to add an intelligent phone answering buffer between them and their callers.

While a lot of firms out there are still at the mercy of relentless telemarketers, many around the country have begun using a phone answering service that ensures that they never are forced to field another sales call or robocall ever again.

The Ultimate Law Firm Call Handling Solution

Since 2013, Answering Legal has not only provided the legal industry with exceptional live phone answering, but has been the first line of defense for thousands of law offices in their fight against telemarketing. It all starts of course with our highly trained receptionist team. Our call center remains open and fully staffed 24/7/365, meaning we are literally able to act as a buffer against spammer callers all the time.

How does it all work exactly? Well if a lawyer sees an unfamiliar or suspicious looking phone number calling in, they can simply choose not to answer the call, and with our conditional call forwarding system in place, the call will always be sent directly to a live Answering Legal receptionist. If the call does turn out to be scam related, our receptionist will politely turn the caller away, and the work day of you and your staff members will never be interrupted. If the call turns out to be from someone relevant, interested in doing business with your firm, our receptionist will greet them in a polite and professional manner, before putting the caller on hold and giving you the option to take over the call. With Answering Legal, lawyers can always feel comfortable missing a call, because they’ll know we’ll keep them from missing out on anything important.

We Keep Telemarketers Away For Free

Having an answering service to field all unwanted calls from telemarketers sounds pretty great, but what will that do to your bill at the end of each month? You probably receive a lot of sales and scam related calls, and that can result in a lot of minutes being added to your monthly pricing plan. As you can imagine, this is one strategy a lot of phone answering services out there use to financially exploit their customers.

At Answering Legal, we’re proud to say that we NEVER charge lawyers for any of the calls from telemarketers that we field on their behalf. If a call isn’t directly related to your business, we promise it won’t be counted against your monthly minutes total. Lawyers that use our service never find any unpleasant surprises in their monthly bills and always know what they are being charged for throughout each month. Our receptionist team is even happy to take calls to your office from your family and friends at no extra cost.

Still Not Convinced? Try Us Out For Free!

Want to see our receptionist team in action, before committing any actual money to our service? We can make it happen! Answering Legal offers all lawyers a free 10-day trial period, during which they won’t pay a penny. During the trial, you’ll have access to Answering Legal’s many great features, such as full legal intake, live call transferring, advanced message taking, and much more! And of course you get to see the incredible job our receptionist staff does of keeping annoying sales calls away from your desk.

The worse case scenario with trying out Answering Legal is that you realize that the service isn’t a great fit for your firm, and after enjoying a 10-day break from telemarketing calls, you move on at zero cost. But, if you’re like most attorneys, you’ll find Answering Legal far too valuable to give up on, and your days of being interrupted on the phone will be a thing of the past. Just maybe don’t tell your competitors about this new secret weapon for your firm.

Get started with Answering Legal today by calling 631-686-9700 or filling out this form.

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