Law Marketing - How to Make Your YouTube Videos Enticing Without Steven Spielberg (Sorry, Spielberg)

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If you’ve been creating YouTube videos to promote your brand, product or service, you aren’t alone. A lot of businesses are uploading instructions and demonstrations, interviews, webinars, and information about a particular area of expertise. Statistics have shown that creating videos is a great way to reach new clients and customers. According to a ReelSEO report, 82% of businesses that use video as a promotional tool believe that it has a positive impact on their business. Additionally, 64% of consumers have said they are more likely to buy a product or service online after they watch a video about it. With that in mind, here are some tips and tricks you can use to make your video content as appealing as possible without breaking your budget or hiring a Hollywood director.

Be Professional

Professionalism will go a long way when you’re making branded video content. You need to make sure that the video is up to a certain standard. Remember, this is a reflection of your business or brand, and you want to appear to be the sort of person that a viewer would want to contact if he or she needs your products or services. So make sure that you stand in front of a professional background, dress professionally, and look clean. You should also write a script that is helpful, structured, and geared toward telling potential customers and subscribers the answers to frequently asked questions or information that you think they would like to know. You can likely get away with using a high-quality laptop webcam, but you may want to hire a video editor for all of the post-production work that will need to be performed.

Give Viewers a Reason to Subscribe to Your YouTube Channel

In the world of online video, quantity is just as important as quality. While technical expertise isn’t bound to translate into views, shares and subscribers, providing a constant stream of educational videos that answer potential clients’ questions while showcasing your expertise will. Be sure to market your videos by adding them all to a playlist, which is a list, or group, of videos that will play in order, one video after another after another. The best thing about playlists is that they are ranked separately in search results, giving your video about a specific topic another opportunity to get discovered by people searching Google for that subject. For example, if people are looking for advice about divorce law, you may want to add your divorce law video into a playlist that deals with this subject because it will be yet another way for people to discover you.

It also helps to add annotations, which are small popups that appear in videos and guide users to other videos or your website.

Ultimately, creating compelling video content takes sustained effort and dedication and a real desire to be searched and found this way, so keep that in mind when you're considering whether you should make more videos for YouTube.

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