Let’s Talk Legal Marketing: 5 Quick Tips From Kelly Street of AttorneySync

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5 Quick Tips From Kelly Street of AttorneySync

After accumulating 10 years of experience through a variety of sales and marketing roles, Kelly Street has now found a home as a key figure at the digital legal marketing agency, AttorneySync. In her first year with the company, Street has already established herself as a go-to source of legal marketing information by creating informative blog and video content. Below, she dishes out five of her favorite marketing tips!

Kelly’s 1st Tip

"Ask clients how they want to be communicated with. If your client never checks their voicemail but is constantly on email, you’ll both be happier if you stick to communicating via email."

One of the most important things an attorney can provide their clients these days is flexibility. In a 2017 survey, 19 percent of millennials indicated they expected to be able to communicate with their attorney through text and email. So while many clients may still prefer talking over the phone, a growing number would rather just shoot you a direct message. At the beginning of every new client relationship, simply ask your client how they would prefer to stay in touch, and get on the same communication page from the start.

Kelly’s 2nd Tip

"If you are looking to grow your firm, get referrals outside of your personal network, or target for better clients, building a strong online presence is very important."

A commitment to search marketing is a must for growing firms in 2018. In order to have a strong presence in search results that are relevant to your firm, you’ll need to embark on strategies that help you rank high for the right keywords. This can be accomplished through proper website optimization and creating high quality blog posts. Thriving social media pages can also go a long way towards establishing a strong online footprint for your firm.

Related: Learn more about growing your firm through SEO here!

Kelly’s 3rd Tip

"Video content is one of my favorite ways to market. For lawyers that have younger clients or want to cut through online noise, video can help you do those things and more. It can also help define your brand or personality, which helps potential clients get to know you before they pick up the phone or walk into your office."

Creating original video content is a proven way to grab the attention of online consumers. In fact, one of our recent “Let’s Talk Legal Marketing” blog posts, profiled attorney Ruth Carter, who has gotten about half of her clients through blogging and YouTube videos.

This is a case where Kelly definitely practices what she preaches. Check out a recent video she did on SEO here: http://ow.ly/nGUm30lWPUK

Kelly’s 4th Tip

"It’s never smart to blanket statement any generation, but we do know that the majority of under-35 year olds value transparency, options, and accessibility. Be honest, share more, ask questions, and provide options would be a great mindset to start with."

Lawyers who make a habit out of being stubborn, difficult, or hard to reach won’t fare well with today’s consumers. Modern clients aren’t just looking for a great outcome, but an enjoyable customer experience. Do whatever it takes to be available for your clients, and make them feel cared for, even if it means reaching out for some additional phone answering help.

Kelly’s 5th Tip

"(Make sure your website includes) a responsive design and personalization. I’d like to see more lawyers step outside of the box with web design. Don’t be afraid to have a non-traditional website or bio page."

If your website doesn’t have a responsive design in 2018, online users will struggle to find and interact with it. That is of course, because an increasing amount of people are doing their online searching through mobile devices. A responsive design is necessary to ensure that you offer a quality user experience on all screen sizes. An outside of the box design can also go a long way in providing online visitors with a better experience on your site, and keeping them from clicking away from your pages. We’d advise working with a professional web designer to make sure whatever vision you have is correctly executed.

For more tips from Kelly Street, check out the Attorney Sync blog!

If you have any questions about following through on the above tips, feel free to ask them in our legal marketing discussion groups!

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