Why Just Answering The Phone Isn’t Enough – You Need Legal Intake

Everyone that works within the answering service industry will tell you that you never want to send a new caller to a voicemail, because they’re just going to hang up and look for another attorney. We’ve established this point, and that’s most likely the selling point the service pounded you with, over and over again – but what they don’t focus on is what happens after a live agent answers the call! I always hear answering services either asking me if I’d like to be sent to voicemail, or they ask me my name and number and quickly tell me the attorney will be getting back to me while they try to hurry me off of the phone. In my opinion, your caller ID and your voicemail can do those two exact things once you already missed the call, so what are you paying for?
You need Legal Intake:
There’s no point in having a live person say hello and hurry callers into your voicemail, or get a simple name and number – what the caller ID can already tell you. Answering Legal’s legal intake receptionists take the time to perform the legal intake, which consists of the most important questions regarding the caller’s case, and sends that along to you instantly via SMS text and/or email. This way, you already have a profile on the potential new client, and they feel that their needs have been heard since they first tried to call your office. They don’t feel ignored by voicemail, and they don’t feel that the agent who answered the call wasn’t helpful! Our law firm answering service has your intake process completely covered.
Legal Intake and Lead Capturing:
As an attorney, you can’t much say that you have a lead for a new client unless you’ve done an intake on the person and know the details of their case. For this reason, legal intake and lead capturing go hand in hand. As the #1 answering service for attorneys, Answering Legal captures leads from the new client callers you miss on your phone, offers premium message taking services including all the details you request, and performs the legal intake, ensuring that the caller feels that his/her needs are being met, and your practice runs as efficiently as possible, 24 hours a day.
Want to try our legal intake receptionists?
Call us now and receive a free 10 day trial!
P: 631-686-9700
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