Your Life With and Without An After Hours Call Center

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Wouldn’t it be great if you could see into the future, before making important decisions regarding you and your firm. Well our DeLorean is still in the shop, but we’re going to do our best to paint a picture of your future, or rather two different futures. That is a future with and without the services of an after hours call center like Answering Legal.

In previous blogs, we’ve talked about why there’s a need for your firm to have after hours phone answering, as well as who will benefit most from using an after hours call center. In this post we’ll go a step further, showing you exactly what your life will be like when operating with and without a 24/7 answering service.

Your Life Without An After Hours Call Center

The Time: 5:00 p.m.

You’ve just been through a long exhausting day of work. You’d love to head on home, but you’re expecting an important call on your office phone, a call that you simply cannot afford to miss. Unfortunately, your in-office receptionist has just clocked out for the day, so you have no choice but to sit around and wait for the call to come in.

The Time: 6:15 p.m.

You’ve finally wrapped up your important phone call, and have a chance to escape the office. Right then the phone rings. You decide to let it go to voicemail. The caller will probably just leave a message, and you address their matter tomorrow, right?

The Time: 10:30 p.m.

Later that night, you lay in bed, wondering what important cases might be passing your firm by. You try to put it out of your head, but the stress of not knowing is simply killing you.

The Time: 8:45 a.m.

The next morning you arrive to your office, a little worse for wear after getting just a few hours of sleep. You go to check your office voicemail machine, and find not a single message. With such little client development, you begin to consider cancelling that tropical vacation you were planning for next month.

Your Life With An After Hours Call Center

The Time: 5:00 p.m.

You’ve just been through a long exhausting day of work. You’d love to head on home, but you’re expecting an important call on your office phone, a call that you simply cannot afford to miss. Unfortunately, your in-office receptionist has just clocked out for the day. Just when frustration is about to set in, you remember that you have Answering Legal. You then contact your after hours call center, and request that they forward the important call you’ve been waiting for to your cell phone. Time to escape the office!

The Time: 6:15 p.m.

You’ve just wrapped up your important phone call from the comfort of your den. You then get an email alert on your cell phone, notifying you that a call has come into your office from an interested potential client. After viewing your message from the Answering Legal service, you learn that the caller was taken through a full legal intake process, and will be eagerly awaiting your call tomorrow morning.

The Time: 10:30 p.m.

Later that night, you lay in bed, wondering what important cases might be passing your firm by. Then your remember, you can simply just check to see if you’ve had any more client messages, right on your mobile device. Once you have your answer and some much needed peace of mind, you’re able to fall asleep for a time period that actually resembles eight hours.

The Time: 8:45 a.m.

The next morning you arrive to your office, fully rested and ready to take on the day. You go to check the office voicemail machine, and find not a single message. You then check your email and see that two new people called in overnight and were captured as potential leads by your after hours call center. After reviewing the legal intake information of the two callers, which has been provided to you by the Answering Legal receptionist team, you head to the phones fully prepared to win their business.

With a few new clients onboard, you now feel confident enough to go on that tropical vacation, and know just the service to trust to handle your calls while your away.

Key Takeaways

A few things to note from these about scenarios:

  • Today’s consumer has no interest whatsoever in dealing with automated machines. Statistics show that 80 percent of callers sent to voicemail fail to leave messages because they don’t think they will ever be heard, and that 53% of consumers will get irritated if they do not get to speak to a live person right away. Having a live voice ready to answer your phones overnight can truly be the difference between capturing a potential lead or seeing a possible client turn to the arms of a competitor.
  • With Answering Legal you’ll be able to fully customize the way your after hours calls get handled. When your unable to get to the phone, your calls will be transferred to one of the members of the Answering Legal receptionist team. From there you can decide whether or not the receptionist should try to patch you in on a call or just send you a detailed client message, via SMS text message an/or email. In either case, you’ll know your clients are accounted for.
  • If after reading this piece, you’re still unsure if an after hours call center is right for your business, we recommend you give Answering Legal a trial run. Upon signing up here for Answering Legal, you’ll receive an invitation to try out the service for ten days, with absolutely zero cost or committment. This should be a large enough of sample size to show you the incredible impact an after hours call center can make on your firm and your life.

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