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When Do I Need a Live Answering Service?

Nick Werker

June 6, 2016

Running a business is difficult, and it can be even more difficult when you have an overwhelming amount of calls. Doing well during a busy time can either make or break your law firm, and if you feel like you haven't been able to provide clients the best customer service, it might be time to consider looking into whether or not a virtual receptionist would be right for you.

When You Have Too Much Work

As a law firm, you probably have someone available to answer the phones for you. However, there might be time he or she has to put calls on hold because there are too many clients wanting to get a hold of someone to talk to about their claims, issues, etc. If the calls aren't answered or sometimes even forgotten, clients can become frustrated and you might lose their business. Having too much work or not having a reliable service can make it difficult to hold clients' respect. A virtual receptionist can help with that problem by always being there to answer the phone and to help your clients with their needs.

When You Need Someone to Speak Another Language

It can be hard to find someone who can fluently speak another language and who can connect with your clients on a more personal level. If you find yourself unable to speak with clients because of a language barrier, you don't have to feel like you are alone or that you can't help them. A virtual receptionist can help you with your needs and can speak in whatever language your client feels the most comfortable using. Just because they might not fully understand you doesn't mean you can't help with their legal needs.

When You Need Someone Available 24/7

Somedays, you might not be able to get all the work you want done. You might have to return calls or you might have clients who are only available to call you when you are outside of the office. Fortunately, a virtual receptionist can help you even when you are away by being available 24/7. A virtual receptionist can also forward your calls to your cell phone so you can make sure to contact your clients when it is convenient for you and for them. If you find yourself too busy during the day, you can still make sure to keep in touch with clients through an answering service.

When You Want To Show Your Clients You Care

All law firms have busy times, and when you are feeling overwhelmed with all the work you have, you should know that you have someone standing by your side and who can offer your clients the help they need. A virtual receptionist can be the answer to your problems and can make your clients feel like you have taken the time to think about any concerns they may have. If you need someone to book appointments and to keep track of your needs as a business, an answering service might be the solution you are looking for.

P: 631-686-9700

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