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Answering Legal's Lead Docket integration

Answering Legal can seamlessly integrate your firm’s legal intake and new client messages with Lead Docket’s lead management and client intake system.

Here’s how it works

During the integration setup process, you’ll send us a unique link to your Lead Docket platform. We’ll handle the rest of the process, making sure that all of the information you need will get transferred on every message.

From there, all new client messages taken by our virtual receptionists will be accessible in the Leads section of your platform, under Opportunities. Each lead will have their contact information and any message they wanted to leave, as well as their answers to your custom intake questions in the Case Details section.

These messages will still be sent to your Answering Legal app and/or your email. Keep in mind that only new lead messages will be sent to Lead Docket, keeping your intake management free from the clutter of existing client messages.

Manage all your leads in one place

The Leads section of your Lead Docket platform will be your one stop shop for handling all of your incoming leads. Every new client message our virtual receptionists take will be there along with all of your other leads, eliminating the need for data entry.

Automate your follow-up

With Lead Docket’s workflow automations, you can make lead management easy. Send educational material, follow up messages, and even representation agreements after a call comes in automatically, without needing to press a button.

Track every new lead’s journey

Every new client caller will be entered as a new lead immediately after a call. As your automated processes and your follow-ups take place, you’ll be able to move your new lead along Lead Docket’s tracker so that you know at a glance how you’re doing on securing their business.

Try your Answering Legal's Lead Docket integration integration for free

Integrations are free to all Answering Legal customers. Not a customer? We’ll custom-build your integration for your firm during the free trial, so you can experience everything we can do for your firm.

Try for free

Your free trial starts soon!

To get started, we need to know just a bit about you, your firm, and what software you’d like us to integrate with! Fill out the form below, and we’ll reach out to you to start your free trial.