
Answering Legal's SmartAdvocate integration
Answering Legal can now integrate your inbound phone messages with SmartAdvocate’s lead management and client intake system.
Here’s how it works
Our integration team will work behind the scenes to make sure the content of the messages taken by our virtual receptionists match up with the custom fields in your SmartAdvocate platform. Once we’ve done that, every new client message taken by our virtual receptionists will be pushed to your SmartAdvocate lead management platform.
These messages will still be sent to your Answering Legal app and/or your email. Keep in mind that only new lead messages will be sent to SmartAdvocate, keeping your intake management free from the clutter of existing client messages.
Eliminate data entry and human error
Every new lead will undergo a legal intake, and that legal intake, along with their contact information and their message, will be available immediately in your SmartAdvocate platform. You won’t have to waste time transcribing information.
Streamline your lead management
You’ll be able to go to one place to track and communicate with your prospective clients. Since all of your new leads will be going to the same place, you won’t have to manage your phone leads differently than all the rest.
Keep your firm organized
At a glance, you’ll be able to tell which leads need your immediate attention, what kind of response your messaging is having, and address any inefficiencies in your lead pipeline. Your firm will be adding new clients like never before.
Try your Answering Legal's SmartAdvocate integration integration for free
Integrations are free to all Answering Legal customers. Not a customer? We’ll custom-build your integration for your firm during the free trial, so you can experience everything we can do for your firm.
Try for freeYour free trial starts soon!
To get started, we need to know just a bit about you, your firm, and what software you’d like us to integrate with! Fill out the form below, and we’ll reach out to you to start your free trial.