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Answering Legal's Clio Grow integration

Answering Legal can seamlessly integrate your firm’s legal intake and new client messages with Clio Grow’s lead management and client intake system.

Here’s how it works

We’ll use a unique identifier from your Clio Grow account to connect our virtual receptionist service with your intake management program. Then, we’ll make sure the intake we use when answering your phone calls matches up with your Clio Grow intake fields.

From then on, every new lead who calls your firm will undergo a legal intake, and the contents of that legal intake will populate in the Leads section of your Clio Grow platform, in addition to the caller’s name, any message they wanted to leave, and their contact information.

These messages will still be sent to your Answering Legal app and/or your email. Keep in mind that only new lead messages will be sent to Clio Grow, keeping your intake management free from the clutter of existing client messages.

Manage all your leads in one place

The Leads section of your Clio Grow platform will be your one-stop shop to manage all your new leads. Whether they’re coming in from your website, an email address, or your phone, you’ll be able to easily follow up with new leads and secure their business.

Move new clients to the next phase

Once one of those new leads becomes a client, you’ll be able to move them into your matters pipelines and begin working on their case immediately! Because your phone leads will automatically populate into Clio Grow, you won’t have to worry about wasting time on data entry.

Integrate your phone lines with your law firm

Most new leads will contact your firm by phone. By bringing your phone systems in line with the rest of your firm, you’ll be able to secure more leads with less busywork than ever before.

Try your Answering Legal's Clio Grow integration integration for free

Integrations are free to all Answering Legal customers. Not a customer? We’ll custom-build your integration for your firm during the free trial, so you can experience everything we can do for your firm.

Try for free

Your free trial starts soon!

To get started, we need to know just a bit about you, your firm, and what software you’d like us to integrate with! Fill out the form below, and we’ll reach out to you to start your free trial.